Saturday, May 22, 2010


School start at 8am today
it end at 2+.
i reach home at 3+, tired.
at home watch tv use computer.
at 4+ junhao jio me and tionghui to go city squarel,
coz he wanna see (Luo zhi xiang)
we meet 5.40+ at compass.
reach City Square Mall around 6+
when to Genesis BBQ for dinner
ThumbUp :D
Finish dinner at 7+
we go to the center of the City Mall to see :)
see him at the stage Take some pic for awhile and off we go.
Mrt to Hg plaza K-Box
meet nic and xiang over there :D
(K) till 12+ and home we go :D
Exam is coming!!

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